Patrick’s Free Art Course – Introduction

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Well I have decided to humbly have a go at a free online art course. I will be using this blog to present each free art lesson. They will be added as I have a chance to do them but I hope to have them out on a regular basis.  Maybe one a week or more if I can find the time.

Now a very brief introduction.

Well lets start with the big question. Can any one learn how to draw and paint or do you have to be born with the talent. The clear answer  is that ANY one can learn how to draw and paint. But just like in music or writing some people will learn faster. And some people will have an eye for things almost like perfect pitch but for art.  But any one can do it. It just takes training and practice. Also a lot of times those with less natural talent can do better than those with many natural gifts because they have a stronger work ethic.

Update – I thought I would update the part about what it takes to be a great artist. I just read a great article about figuring out what makes people succeed in life. The studies show its not natural talent but “grit”. They have to have the ability to set long term goals and do what ever it takes to reach them. That is EXACTLY what it takes to become a great artist. You can read the article here.

Now the next thing to keep in mind is how much work it will really take. And the simple answer is it will take years and thousands of hours. If you do not enjoy art enough to train and practice you will improve but very very slowly. Also remember you will have to be a self starter and have a very strong work ethic.

Another thing you really need to remember is that courses like this can not completely replace working with real teachers at a top school.  But it can help and you can learn a lot. But I would at the very least suggest finding the best teachers in your area and spending time with them. And if there just are no teachers in the area I would suggest getting DVDs. Your cheapest way to do this is rent them from . On the down side I believe the artists do not receive any money from rentals. So if you really find them helpful maybe support the artist by buying a DVD or book from them.

OK so you have made it this far and you believe you like art enough to stick with it. You think you are a good self starter with a good work ethic. And maybe even you have a little talent. Well I think its great. And I think you will be richly rewarded if you stick with it.

Now what you will need for lesson one.

1. You will need an artists easel you can get to go true vertical. Most will do this if you find a way to weight the back leg.  Or the better ones will have this range of movement built in.  I will also be adding a post soon to show how to build a wall mounted easel with supplies from home depot for less than $20.

2. You will also need pencils.  What kind is not that important at first but it does need to be able to make a clear line dark enough so you can see it clearly even from a few feet away.

3. Good paper with a heavy enough weight so you can correct mistakes without ruining it.

3. Tracing paper of clear plastic sheet.

4. Sewing Thread

5. A medium size nut or something of enough weight to hold the string tight.

You will also need to read over this page on how to hold a pencil.

Also I have a long list of free art books online art books to help supplement this course. You can find them here.

Oh and post links to your work in the comments and I might include them as examples in the lessons. Or just to show us what you have done. 🙂

Coming next lesson 1!

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