

I just found a nice group that has a world wide Sketchcrawl.  A sketchcrawl is about having people from different corners of the world join in a day of sketching and journaling and then, thanks to the Internet, having everyone share the results on an … Continue readingSketchCrawl

Featured Artist – Jeremy Lipking

Our featured artist today is Jeremy Lipking.  To me is he one of the best living painters.  Below is some of his images, an interview and a link to his site. Links

10,000+ Public Domain Paintings!

If you love old paintings like I do then you will love this resource.  Wikipedia now has 10,000 + public domain paintings online.  Directmedia and  Yorck Project were kind enough to make these images available to Wikpedia and the world.

Featured Artist – Jeffrey R. Watts

Here is our second featured artist Jeffrey R. Watts. He is another very talented painter with a nice loose painterly style. You can see more of his work on his site

Welcome To Patrick’s Art Blog!

Hello and welcome to Patrick’s Art Blog! This blog will include free art tutorials, tips and courses, art news, book reviews, software reviews and guides to resources etc. And of course I will be including news about the main site and my work.