Best figure drawing and anatomy lessons and schools.

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I often get asked whats the best way to learn to draw the figure. The answer is to have the best teachers and to work really hard over a long period of time:) So I hear you say you are ready to put in the work – great. Now hear are the best resources I have found so far.

Figure drawing and anatomy books and videos:

1. Glen Vilppu Studios. Glen has been teaching for over 45 years and is considered by many the best teacher in the nation. You can buy his videos and books at his store . And you can read about him and find out where he is teaching at his main site

2. The Structure of Man video series. The Structure of Man is a well regarded series on learning to draw the human figure. It has been used by many of the top entertainment studios in Hollywood and by artists around the world. You can find out more about it here

There are many many other handy books and video series but I would start with these two. And of course check back as I will be posting more resources as I get the chance.

Figure drawing and anatomy schools and ateliers:

1. LAAFA – Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art . LAAFA for my money is one of the best ateliers in the world at the moment. They take the best ideas from the classic and modern periods and give the students a great grounding that will serve them their entire career. Also a note. This school is geared more to the professional concept artist, illustrator and traditional figurative artist. Its not really geared to the elite “fine art” world. And to be honest I think that’s a good thing.

2. New York Academy Of Art. For a more “fine art” related school I would probably pick the New York Academy Of Art. Their main focus is figurative drawing, painting and sculpture in a “fine art” context. And they are well connected to the fine arts community. And lets face it knowing the right people really helps if you decide you really want a career in the “fine arts”.

Now there are of course many many good schools around the world. And in the future I will try and spotlight them as I get a chance. But I will give you some advice on choosing one. Be sure what you want to get out of it. Do you want the skills and contacts needed for need for a career in the main stream “fine arts”? Or do you want skills for a career in illustration and concept art etc? Or something else? After you decide this look very closely at the work of the teachers and students at each school. Also read reviews online at places like

As an added note I personally do not believe in the modern false distinction between fine art and illustration etc. But I will save my ideas on the philosophy of art for another post:)

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